How To Write a Successful CV

Advice from a trained recruitment manager

During my previous job I spent a lot of time recruiting. On average for our company we would have at least 120 applicants each time we advertised a position, this after they had passed an online test to submit their CV. As you can imagine we had neither the time not the man power to interview every applicant and THIS is why your Curriculum Vitae is the most important part of your arsenal.

I’ve put together a very basic guide on what to/not to include. *Please note, some points may be UK specific. Continue reading “How To Write a Successful CV”

Job Hunting 101

Hate Mondays? You don’t have to settle…

Welcome to 2020! Are you heading back to work today with a solid case of Monday Blues? Underpaid, underappreciated or maybe just bored? Perhaps you are looking for your first employment or getting back on the wagon. Whatever your circumstances it always pays to keep an eye out for employment opportunities- sometimes the grass truly is greener! 

In 2017 I began job hunting for a complete change of career. After a few hours of initial effort the recruiters were coming to me! The world has moved on from the days of scouring a newspaper, by connecting with the right recruitment agencies and using the right apps job hunting can be a breeze . I was in a comfortable position and found myself turning down at least 3 job opportunities per week whilst I waited for the one.

Today I’m going to take you through a few basics of job hunting- but please note; some points made in this post will be UK specific and assume you are not in major financial difficulty. Continue reading “Job Hunting 101”

A Stupid Question

Have you ever been the person in the room digging deep for the courage to ask a question? One you know you will feel stupid for asking but having no other choice..

Have you ever been the person in the room digging deep for the courage to ask a question? One you know you will feel stupid for asking but having no other choice..

I have a crystal clear memory of one of these moments, it should have been forgettable and insignificant but instead a five minute ordeal seems to have greatly contributed to my personality.
Continue reading “A Stupid Question”

The Following Game

Social media etiquette and me!

It’s been over a year since I joined the world of Twitter. I use my account as a hobby, it contains none of my family or IRL friends. I find this gives me a certain freedom to express myself and the ability to block/unfollow at my leisure.. which is why you’ll find me on Twitter rather than Facebook.

FB is where I go to see old work colleagues rant about local news, get useful reminders of family birthdays or laugh at the ridiculous memes my friends have tagged me in. Sure sometimes it’s fun, but mostly it’s mind numbing– I love these people but we do not have the same interests at all!

Twitter is a different beast. On Twitter I follow those I find interesting, whose opinions I often agree with, whose recommendations I trust. To get the very best out of my Twitter feed I have developed a few of my own rules.
Some were taken from the unspoken Twitter etiquette I’ve learned and others developed along the way..
Continue reading “The Following Game”

What is common knowledge?

Who decides what you should know?

I found myself lacking in a few areas this month, which prompted me to try and confirm what material comes under the vast umbrella of the common knowledge category? Continue reading “What is common knowledge?”